All Personal Photos and Bioc1999-2024 Mara Corday

Born Marilyn Joan Watts in Santa Monica, California - January 3, 1930, to Emerson Watts and Shirley Wood.  Both hardworking middle-class but like so many others, thrown into financial struggle during the Depression era, and moved frequently until her father found steady work as a Certified Public Accountant.

As a child, she possessed both an outgoing personality and active imagination, and with her elder brother Richard, often spent entire days at the local movie theatres (for merely     a nickel), viewing each film more than twice.  She knew just about every line in the movies to come through town and her interest in the cinema and show business at large, like many depression babies, inspired in her dreams of grandeur.

By age 13, when her family moved to the greater Hollywood area, Marilyn worked as        an usherette in legitimate theatres (such as the Belasco and the Mayan), providing her      the opportunity to see first hand the behind the scenes inner workings of live stage productions while simultaneously feeding her developing aspirations to be an actress.    She continued to love the movies, yet not content to merely watch the stars on the      screen - she wanted to meet them - and so, travelled by bus across town, studio to       studio, collecting autographs of some of the greats.

One day on the beach, at age 15 (and beginning to blossom), she was approached by a boy who needed a model for a photo contest in the local paper.  Agreeing to pose, the picture was submitted and won the contest. At 17, Marilyn's mother - eager for Marilyn to seek gainful employment, prompted her to audition at the famed "Earl Carroll Theatre" - a cabaret-restaurant which boasted: "through these portals pass the most beautiful girls in the world."  To their delight, Marilyn was selected to join the chorus line (although secretly still underage). Now officially considering herself working in show business, she fashioned herself the name "Mara Corday" - believing it to be more exotic or glamourous.  Within   the first year, "Mara" graduated from the ensemble line to principal showgirl, then on        to performing skits with the shows comic star, Pinky Lee.

When the theatre closed upon Carroll's untimely death in a plane crash, Mara moved        on to short stints dancing at Las Vegas' Frontier Hotel, "George White Scandals of 1950"  and briefly (as a blonde), one of the six girls selected for the West Coast production of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".  Due to the many publicity appearances during her tenure      at Earl Carroll's, Mara became aquainted with various photographers and began to model professionally on a steady basis.

Appearing in a small theatre production of "The Time of Your Life", she was "discovered" by an influential Hollywood talent agent, Paul Kohner, and quickly signed to his agency. Mostly cast in a string of small "forgettable" roles in various television shows, it was not until Hal Wallis, a powerful producer saw Mara's photo in a magazine and screen tested  her that she joined his small stable of actors in 1953.

Because Wallis' company was dissolved 6 months later, Mara's agent then took the screen test to Universal-International which had in place a contract player's program offering         a wide array of training in the dramatic arts; ie: voice/diction, singing, dancing, even horseback riding - but most importantly: the opportunity to act in a quantity of films      and various movie genres.

She was primarily given small parts until years of modeling paid off - her name and likeness on magazine covers saturated the stands and fan mail poured into the studio's publicity department.  The studio, impressed and eager to capitalize on free publicity, took notice (of a girl who seemed to enjoy a strong following) and cast her with Lex Barker in "The Man from Bitter Ridge" - her first starring role.

The film did well yet didn't raise any eyebrows, though Mara was given her second starring role in the science-fiction thriller, "Tarantula", with the same director, Jack Arnold. This film grossed more money for the studio at the boxoffice than any other that year, 1955. Mara was given the "star" treatment and Radio/T.V. interviews, personal appearance tours and photo layouts all followed.

Having posed years earlier for an Esquire Magazine layout which was not used, the photographer sold the photos to Playboy Magazine and Mara thereby became: Playboy Centerfold - Miss October, 1958.

When MCA took control of Universal, completely phasing-out the contract-player system (and beginning a gradual transformation of the studio into a theme park), all but a few select male stars received termination notices. Free-lancing proved financially rewarding for Mara; yet in some cases, artistically devastating... of note: "The Giant Claw" - though now a cult classic for its "cheese-i-ness", at the time, was something of an embarrassment.

On location in Mexico while filming "The Black Scorpion", her escalating romantic involvement with actor Richard Long reached a new plateau via a marriage proposal.   After the birth of their first child, Mara welcomed her new role as mother, yet appeared    in two more films - "Girls On the Loose" and "The Quiet Gun".  While the next three      years produced two more children, she resumed working sporadically in television,         but ultimately opted for full-time domesticity by the end of 1960.

She remained married to Richard for 18 years - until widowed in 1974; then appeared   some years later in a few Clint Eastwood films.  Now retired, she devotes most of her    time to writing and managing her official website,